“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me.’” Matthew 19:14
We see children as a gift from God and we involve children whatever way we can in worship. Children can participate in many aspects of our worship service: reading scripture, collecting offerings, or lighting the candles to name a few special jobs. We feel that is extremely important for families to worship together so that children can learn what it means to worship God from an early age. We have Sunday School classes for ages 3 and up from 11-12p on Sunday mornings.
Vacation Bible School is a big thing at Trinity and happens every summer!

Throughout the year we have a variety of different Bible Studies and Sunday School classes for people to be actively engaged in God's Word. Some studies take place at Trinity, while others happen in peoples homes in small group settings. We believe it is vitally important for the people of God to be actively engaged in God's Word personally and as a community.

Discipleship is a journey we all take with Jesus. It is taking God's Word and actively applying it to our lives as followers of Jesus. We have two questions that drive our discipleship journey:
LISTEN: What is God Saying to me?
APPLY: What am I going to do about it?
Trinity is actively and intentionally discipling leaders who then disciple leaders who then disciple leaders. We are training leaders the way that Jesus trained his disciples.

The youth gather weekly practicing the rhythm of life as members of God's body of believers. Bible study, fun and friendship are all core components to these weekly gatherings. Personal life application of God’s Word and prayer are also central to our time together. We strive to make a difference in the community around us. Therefore, we engage in activities and service in our community. As a group we serve in various capacities finding ways that we can make a difference sharing the love of Jesus with people around us.

We believe that God has equipped us as his people to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. One of the ways we do this is through monthly outreach meal service at a homeless shelter in Oregon City. Trinity also has a long standing relationship with social organizations with the focus of homeless youth, single mothers, and low-income families right here in Clackamas County.

Trinity Quilters meet to create quilts for local charities, baptisms, share ideas and fellowship in a day of service. All skill levels needed, experienced quilters available to assist new quilters. Materials, kits, machines, and tools available or you may bring your own.
The Quilters meet twice a month, on the first and third Tuesdays in the Quilters Room from 1:00 to 4:00 pm