A united vital force in our community sharing the love of Jesus.

Upcoming Event
Join us Thursday, April 17 at 7 PM during Holy Week (in place of the Maunday-Thursday service) for a "Jesus in the Seder" led by local Rabbi Gabriel Lumbroso, yadfriends.com. The sign up sheet is located at the Church office or in the Narthex on Sundays. We need all to sign up in advance, so we can plan for seating and food samples. It is not a full meal, so be sure to EAT BEFORE YOU ATTEND. Invite family, friends, young people, people that have not been to a Seder and those unconnected to Church. You won't want to miss this great experience of how Jesus our Savior, in this old Jewish tradition, is revealed!

10:00 am
Join us for our Coffee Social on Sundays
after church
Sunday School For All Ages
11:30 AM
Trinity livestreams and then posts video of our
Sunday Worship Services online, on our Facebook Page:
We have "Blended Worship" (a combination of hymns and modern worship songs) on the first three Sundays of the month, and "Contemporary Worship"
on the fourth Sunday.
Holy Communion is on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays.

What to expect when you come
At Trinity we see ourselves as family. We are a relaxed group. We like to laugh and joke around. For the most part, we dress pretty casual too. Children are encouraged to be involved in worship, and occasionally we might have a few that wander up and down the aisles and they might even dance a little too! There is nothing fancy or pretentious about us at Trinity.
We don't do fancy when it comes to worship: no stage lights, no smoke; we don't do performance. We keep it simple. Our focus is to worship Jesus Christ our Savior and Redeemer.
At Trinity, what you see is what you get.